Tuesday 8 July 2008

A (re) Touching Piece of television


There was a brilliant program on last night, presented by ex-Misteeq lass Alicia. It was all about how magazines retouch pictures of girls to make them sexy, and - oddly - how wrong that was. Anyway, apart from the program falling short on credibility due to its hostess being right up my street (with a mug in no need of retouching herself) they did this bait exercise where they showed people her untouched and with warts'n'all and let the plebs decide which was best.

Now, I work for a mag that refuses to retouch images, namely cos we don't features munts in the first place, and because we're not trained enough to retouch like the pros. But we've given it a go below with our fine Queen. Who glows, you decide?



Notice that we've added a smile to this image, something that the queen never does. Should this be printed, the publication responsible would have to defend the image saying that out of shot Prince Philip was doing his infamous elephant impression.



Kinda makes you question why we'd bother with re-touching doesn't it? Glossy hair, stylish make up, the latest blue tooth handset and B&H blazing a trail of sweet sweet nicotine. Our monarch as she should be truly represented on stamps and fivers I feel.


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